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Contracts & Procurement

Opportuna Legal can provide advice on a range of contract and procurement related issues.  We advise on and draft contracts including IT contracts, supply agreements, sale contracts and software agreements.


A tender process is a method of procurement often used by both business and government when procuring goods or services.  The tender process is subject to complex legal issues because it involves a mix of contract law, administrative law and other commercial rules and regulations.  Detailed procurement guidelines also apply to Commonwealth, State and Local Government procurements.


We can help if you are responding to a tender or releasing a tender.  We have experience on both sides of the tender process and can assist your business in responding to an Expression of Interest (EOI), Request for Tender (RFT) or Request for Proposal (RFP).


We can assist with:


  • Assisting in the preparation of tender documents

  • Acting as lead or support negotiator to negotiate the terms of contract

  • Amending the contract or deed to reflect negotiated outcomes

  • Advising on planning a tender to minimise risk

  • Guidance through the selection process and the award of contracts

  • Advising on responding to an RFP to meet your legal obligations

  • Advising on obligations when managing suppliers at the conclusion of the tender process

  • Draft and negotiate technology contracts, including technology supply agreements, software development agreements, software licence agreements, cloud or software-as-a-service agreements, platform agreements, service level agreements, online privacy and terms and conditions

  • Loan and other financial documentation, sale and supply contracts and software agreements

  • Construction contracts

  • Consultant contracts

  • Dispute resolution


Opportuna Legal can provide you with strategic advice specific to your needs which is focused on securing the best outcome for you and your business.




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(08) 6110 3748  |   21 Howard Street, Perth Western Australia 6000

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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